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canada goose uk outlet Caturday felid: Cats pwn dogs by stealing their beds, canada goose outlet store quebec and how cats see the world.I give in: elebenty canada goose outlet los angeles gazillion readers sent me this hilarious video of cats stealing dgs beds, which, of course, was exactly what I encountered in Poland. The dog Emma regularly slept on the hard floor while Hili canada goose outlet in new york Cat, refusing her own nice bed, appropriated Emma Although this video features dgs, it does so in an unflattering light, and so it will be part of today Caturday felids. This may canada goose outlet houston in fact be the one item I been sent most frequently by readers in the history of this canada goose victoria parka outlet website. I conclude that most readers like to see cats triumphant.The dgs are impotent, powerless. They clearly perceive the cats as superior animals. It uses to depict how cats see the world. I not convinced.Artist Nickolay Lamm, who has previously brought us visualizations of urban heat islands and sea level rise projections, took a look at the world through kitty eyes for his latest project. Lamm consulted with ophthalmologists at the University of Pennsylvania canada goose outlet england veterinary school and a few other animal eye specialiststo create these visualizations comparing how cats see with how humans do. How we see things is represented canada goose outlet ottawa on top;how a cat standing next to us would see the same sceneappears below.If a moggie found its way to Times Square, in canada goose outlet New York City, this is what it would supposedly see:Some of the cat eye facts he took into account: The blurry edges of the pictures represent peripheral vision. Humans have a 20 canada goose outlet store new york degree range of peripheral canada goose outlet in montreal vision on each side. Cats can see 30 degrees on each side. Their visual field overall is just bigger they see 200 degrees compared to our 180 degrees.Cat vision isn so great at a distance. What we can see sharply from 100 feet away, they need to see at 20 feet. From what researcherscan tell, cats canada goose outlet us can seeblue and yellow colors, but not red, orange or brown, which is why all the images look a little washed out. Your kittysees in Instagram, it seems. Not so good for looking at far away, lushlandscapes.Well, the problem here is that canada goose outlet store toronto they simulating vision based on the morphology of cat eyes, and perhaps some experiments on peripheral vision. You can probably detect the problem canada goose outlet 80 off with this already.Here buy canada goose uk that New York cat in Grand Central Station, also in New York:The problem is that we have no idea how the cat brain processes the visual input, and about that we have no idea. The cat could, for instance, see even worse than this, or might compensate for the problems by seeing better than the pictures suggest.A cat in the mountains would supposedly see this:What about at night? We all know that cats are far better than we at seeing in the dark. Here a simulation of cats night vision.Cats can see some six to eight times better than us in the dark, partiallybecause they have more rods, a type of photoreceptorin the retina. Theirelliptical pupilscan open very wide in dim light,but contract to a tiny slit to protect the sensetive retina frombright light. And like other animals that evolved to hunt at night, cats have atapetum lucidum, a reflective layer of tissuethat bounces lightthat hits canada goose uk the back of the eye out through the retina againfor a second chance to be absorbed by the rods. It also what gives them those terrifyingglowing eyesin pictures.Well, maybe, but again we don know how the brain of a cat would interpret the input. The bottom doesn look all that better than the top. Maybe it accurate, but perhaps cats can, like a camera, somehow compensate even more by increasing the it perceives.At any rate, at least this tells us something about peripheral vision and perhaps about the colors cats perceive. The problem of how the brain processes information in another species what it really a problem of qualia, and one that, for the present, is unknown. Someday we might be canada goose outlet woodbury able to download a cat brain onto a computer and get that kind of information, but of course you have to find a way to give that computer noms, and eventually we find computers taking over our beds.I wish they have mentioned the brain problem, but, after all, it science.That only because the dogs are typically much, much bigger than the cats. Pound for pound, cats are far more efficient and deadly predators than dogs. In a confrontation between a single Mexican gray wolf and a single mountain lion, whose geographic ranges and physical sizes overlap, the wolf would be in dire trouble. The cat is stronger, faster, more flexible, and has sharper claws and teeth. And much better stalking skills, for that matter. A pack of wolves against a lone cougar, of course, would be a different story.An healthy ten pound cat should have no trouble physically dominating (or worse) a fifteen pound dog and should hold his own very well against most twenty pound dogs. Of course, even twenty pounds is small for a domestic dog, which is why the cats generally need the protection their human slaves offer. But an healthy (not overweight) 30 pound bobcat would need no protection at all from virtually any pet dog, canada goose outlet seattle regardless of canada goose parka outlet uk how big canada goose outlet store near me or mean. And 30 pounds isn at all big for a dog.As anybody who ever canada goose outlet legit attempted to bathe a tiny kitten will verify.In my younger days I was a roadie for a magician canada goose factory outlet toronto location show. One of the most memorable moments was sharing the stage with a performer who made a leopard appear, then paraded around with the cat draped around his neck. (And, no, I certainly do not approve of animals being exploited in this fashion. In fact, this incident is one that hardened my attitude. ) The man was around 180 lbs, the leopard around 80 lbs and declawed. But the leopard became unruly and started to struggle. It had no problem taking the man down. It did a lot of damage.A small but motivated house cat can easily best a much larger but less motivated dog.While I sure it possible to build trusting, loving relationships with a big cat in such a way that giving one a lift on one shoulders (as I regularly do with Baihu) is reasonable, I even more certain that that something that would take great canada goose outlet winnipeg address devotion to achieve. And I really don see how something like that could be compatible with a life as a stage performer, unless canada goose outlet new york city you just happened to find a gregarious cat who really got a kick out of showing off. Even then, you have to be in a position to respect the cat and cancel or canada goose outlet belgium modify the show if the cat wasn in the canada goose outlet michigan mood which the cat would likely be more often than human singers get a cold. Again, not a recipe for a successful stage career.Jerry, it is true that simulating vision is a very tricky problem but it is certainly not true that have no idea how the cat’s brain processes the visual input Cat is one of the very few mammals canada goose kensington parka uk whose visual cortex has been studied in detail. There are difference between the visual systems of cats and primates, but as canada goose outlet black friday sale far as we know, the principles are very similar canada goose uk outlet.

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